Monday, December 28, 2009

Peanut Butter Chocolate Gu!!!

I feel like a mad scientist right now. I have discovered the recipe to peanut butter chocolate Gu!

....not that it was really all that hard to figure out ;)

The recipe is really simple:
1 Gu packet
1 Tbsp creamy peanut butter
1/4 tsp water

And the good thing is that it all mixes together, consistently (ala water addition). I was a little worried since Gu will NOT freeze solid that it is made up of a bunch of unnatural non-freezing type stuff. Trust me, I tried to see if I could make a chocolate Gu-pop. FAIL!

Here was my process:

Add Gu

Add peanut butter a tsp @ a time. Came out to 3 tsp = 1 Tbsp

Mixed: came out REALLY thick due to peanut butter addition

Added 1/4 tsp of water to bring it back to original Gu consistency (you can add more for desired thickness). I may add more to make it more liquidy for Gu flask.

Taste tested and APPROVED! :)D

So it tasted great! Nutrition wise, this will add 95 more calories, 3g of protein, 8.5g of fat and even more wonderful flavor. I'll be using this in a Gu flask.

This reminds me of my homemade uncrustable's PB&J method.


  1. Mmmmm, that looks really good! And it has given a strong peanut butter craving ... *must go fulfill ;)

  2. OMG! Awesome idea. I am totally stealing it, thanks!

  3. Nice work! Now you could invent other flavors...try some really wacky ones like chocolate fudge ice cream, or cheeseburger...oh don't forget sausage pizza! Well now you'll have to excuse me, I've made myself hungry.

  4. What a great idea! I am going to start experimenting myself now...

  5. AMAZING! Now all I have to do is buy myself a Gu flask and I am totally making this. I feel that this could totally revolutionize endurance training!

  6. You are a friggin' genius!! Also, those pb&j crustable things; awesome! Will you come live with me?


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