Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Going for a restart in May. This is a post filled with random gibberish

Wow, signing up for Twitter basically ruined me on blogging. Actually, getting my first smart phone has basically ruined me. How impatient have I now become? Very..."HHhhhhhmmmmm, I wonder what X means? Let me grab my phone and find it now..."

Robo Defense was like crack for a few days.

I no longer fall asleep during meetings!

The camera on this phone freaking rocks. Anytime I cook something of interest, taking a photo and immediately plugging it onto twitter or the blog is literally the touch of the button.

I discovered 40 miles of trails 20 mins away from me

This is the even better groomed trail!

Made more peanut butter. 15 mins total time to make!

Muddy shoes from my trail run this AM

First attempt at rice, oatmeal, and white flour pitas

I am a sucker for adding peanut butter and banana to any bread product
The bike has been going really well. I wish I were speedier on my road bike, but I am feeling that "in shape" power once again. I did around 3,000 feet of climbing over @ Harriman last Friday, then dropped a 14 miler on Saturday.

Sunday I did a 3 mile "recovery" run and it actually worked! It blew all of the junk out of my legs.

I have swam 3 times since my race two weeks ago, with the longest swim at only 2,000 yards. Yikes! If you find my swimming mojo, please return!

I am waaaaaaay behind on reading people's blogs. WAY behind.

And this is why I am calling May as my "restart". May 1st is roughly 12 weeks out from Lake Placid, so its time to get REALLY busy. Basically this is the time where every workout counts. No more skimping!

I feel good right now. I feel like I am in a middle place where I am not tired yet I don't feel super human. I think my base is established and it is time to ramp it up!

Happy Training!


  1. good luck!
    im restarting also in May!

  2. Gotta love the smart phones! I can't believe you held out this long :)

    I love the camera on the phone. Now I just need the next-gen iPhone to come out so I can get one with a flash.

    Hopefully you didn't leave your swim mojo in TX. If so, hopefully your passport is up to date if you need to go find it.

  3. Those trails look pretty cool. Get this - we just found trails like this too about 10mins from the house? Had not idea?

    Only problems is it runs along Lake Houston and that means snakes will be all over the place!!! Which means I will not run it until the winter!

  4. Great job finding the trails - now you can ride there, run, then ride home!

  5. I be lost with out my smart phone, I do so much with it.

    Nice trails

    12 weeks, nice!! I am 20 weeks out, its getting real

  6. HAHA dude, I thought I WAS THE LAST HUMAN ON EARTH without a smart phone when we caved last year haha.

    Yeah, ADD, smartphones, twitter, badddddd equation.

    The cameras on the phone are ridiculous awesome. I no longer carry our Cannon digital camera anymore. Sucks.

    Keep up the mojo. I have found the swim is the easiest and fastest to come back to me. I wouldn't be too worried.

  7. You are going to have a great training month in May. I am so excited for your IM race!

  8. Those trails look awesome! I wish I had some that close to me. Those pitas looked pretty good too. Nice work with the bananas and peanut butter. You just made me hungry!

  9. me too! eeeek LP is so close.

  10. Lovin' the pic on that trail. Beautiful day.

  11. 40 miles of trails !!!

    wish I had the bike prowess you have as I continue to struggle even in this recovery week...hoping it will turn around !!!

    great news on staying awake for meetings, should boost your review:)


  12. Harriman is a great place to go. Glad you enjoyed it but 3,000 ft makes my 1,800 ft this past weekend look flat.....

    PB is happening this weekend for sure. I have the ingredients...PEANUTS and I am making it

  13. LOVE the random gibberish! The pictures are in fact awesome. You've made me want to try making my own PB and pita. Glad the recovery run went so well. Great post!

  14. Yep, random is good. I'm re-starting in May, too. But a "re-start" for you consists of a lot more action than a "re-start" for me. But it does me no good to compare myself to you. Most of us bloggers are just trying to improve ourselves. So let's get on with it!

  15. it is game time now...lake placid is roughly 3k of climbing x 2 right :( I need to get serious on my hills if I am going to be able to run my first marathon after 6k+ of climbing. Nice trails always cool to find new places to train.

  16. It's hard to imagine life without a smart phone, isn't it? Sad really... :)

    Wow, those trails look awesome!

  17. I am eating banana and PB as I read this; great minds!

    Where are those trails? You must share!

    I'm jonesing for a trail run.


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