Monday, June 1, 2009

back in the pool already

for 2450 yards in 55 mins. Oops! I felt why not? right?

Which brings me to the fact that I do NOT feel sore at all from yesterday's race. Strange huh?

Perhaps the amount of volume work that I have been doing just made yesterday's 1:16:36 effort just a bump in the road in terms of body bashing?

I did:
400 WU
4 x 50 (25 kick on back, 25 swim)
25 EZ
6 x 200 on 4:00
6 x 100 on 2:00
25 EZ

I wasn't exactly putting up speedy times, but it was some solid volume, nonetheless.

1 comment:

  1. NICE RACE yesterday! v. impressive performance. and nice swim today --- I think a swim today was a fine choice after your race, esp. if you felt okay


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