Wednesday, November 24, 2010

6:44 to "Bad Romance"

Whenever I am in the "this sucks big time" zone, aka I am going REALLY fast or just pushing it because my body is about to crap-out, a Lady Gaga song ALWAYS pops into my head.

Why Lady Gaga?

Your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps because her tunes are uber catchy? I don't hate Lady Gaga's music, nor do I go scrambling for her new songs. They just love to pop into my head.

But it's not like the entire song goes through my head. NOPE! Just a main verse becomes a broken record. Like for example this morning @ the track when I did my stand alone mile, during the first two laps all I heard was:

"I am bad romance, oooohhhhhhhaaaaooooohhhhh"
"I am bad romance, oooohhhhhhhaaaaooooohhhhh"
"I am bad romance, oooohhhhhhhaaaaooooohhhhh"
"I am bad romance, oooohhhhhhhaaaaooooohhhhh"
"I am bad romance, oooohhhhhhhaaaaooooohhhhh"
"I am bad romance, oooohhhhhhhaaaaooooohhhhh"
"I am bad romance, oooohhhhhhhaaaaooooohhhhh"
"I am bad romance, oooohhhhhhhaaaaooooohhhhh"

That would drive you insane, right? RIGHT!?!?!

When starting the third lap my breathing got really heavy. So I concentrated on my breathing. Sorry Ms. Gaga, but you got the boot. So instead what I heard?

"Hee Hee, Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
"Hee Hee, Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
"Hee Hee, Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
"Hee Hee, Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
"Hee Hee, Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
"Hee Hee, Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
"Hee Hee, Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

Everytime I did a "Negative Ghostrider" tower flyby of some unfortunate "track walker" I could just hear their thoughts, "WTF is this kid doing this early in the morning and WHY THE F is he making such funny noises!"

The best noise of the day?

The signature Garmin "BEEP!" that said you are DONE!

And a 6:44 showed


Have a good GOBBLER GOBBLER day everyone!!!


  1. My new phrase is "gobble wobble" when I am hurting

  2. omfg lol! I got the negative ghostrider thing going through my head on the flybys as well! too funny.

    I can't stand lady gaga. I would go insane.

  3. YAY gaga. As much as I want to dislike her - I find her music amazingly motivating.

  4. LMAO!! That was funny!! I love GAGA!!

  5. Yeah for 6:44!! the only time I have seen that was on my alarm clock! :)

  6. That is hilarious about LG.

    And I would have loved to use the Negative Ghostrider but the dude in front of me just would not let up and he kept pushing the pace. I will catch him next time.

  7. Ha ha...I'm the same way. One phrase of a song always gets stuck in my head! Ugh!

    Nice job on the 6:44!! :)
    Have a great Thanksgiving day tomorrow!

  8. As long as you don't start dressing like Lady Gaga for your races... :) haha

    Have you seen the Bad Romance formula??


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