Thursday, December 3, 2009

post sickness run

My stomach bug (which my ENTIRE family has) is, dare I say, gone? Im able to eat! Even though when I do eat I feel full for hours (which is awesome!) but I don't have much of an appetite even when I do become hungry.

I felt strong enough to go for my scheduled 5 mile run today, which I did @ lunch so that I could get a full night's of sleep last night.

So its December 3rd, and its 62 degrees outside! global warming?

Which meant that I was out in shorts and a short sleaved jersey. I felt like I should have been out on the bike.

But anyways, the run was one that I was very very thankful have over with. From not eating very much over the past 48 hours, my strength has not returned 100% but I still managed to run an 8:48 pace for a 44 min flat time over a somewhat hilly course. My stomach was bothering me the most, but I think that was due to the fact that I downed 3 bowls of Cheerios 90 mins before I either my stomach is still finicky, or that was just a stupid idea. Im going with stupid idea :) Either way, I can only liken the overall feeling of the run to fingernails down a chalkboard.

I feel VERY victorious to have done this run. I can only see up from here...and I am VERY thirsty.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are feeling better. I too am not looking forward to the cold water, but I found an open water swim group in Coney Island that starts swimming in April!! Newfound Lake should feel balmy by then.

    Yes this is my first 70.3 and my first time to Newfound Lake. We rented a house for the week leading up to the race so hopefully I will be a liitle more familiar with the lay of the land.

    I saw your Mooseman group post on Beginner Triathlete. I think I might have left a post.


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