Thursday, May 20, 2010

*Shamless Plug* "Rio!" Our first movie trailer!

I am REALLY excited to finally share some actual moving visual images of what finances my triathlon addiction.

My studio's next film, "Rio!" is finally in a trailer format to launch to the world. The trailer will be at the front of the next Shrek movie.

My contribution is that I did the all of the feathers and fur work on the blue main character birds named Blu and Jewel. It was a two year process....(and I am glad that it is over!)

Without further ado, grab some popcorn and enjoy! Film will be out Easter of 2011.

Watch more Moviefone videos on AOL Video


  1. Oh great! I have to wait almost a year to see it? That was cool Jon! I picked up on who the Toucan is...George Lopez. Blu and Jewel are beautiful; good work on thier color and feathers. I couldn't pick up on who their voices are though. I must say that I adore animated films.

  2. cooooooooooool!

  3. Showed my girls the clip, they loved it. Is blue your favorite color now?

  4. Hi little bro,
    The movie trailer was great! It looks like a movie that the entire family can enjoy:) I think that it is so wonderful that you had a part in making it!! Go you:) Have a great day Jon!

  5. Nice work! Big fan of Hyacinth macaws they are amazing looking birds. (They are hyacinths right?)
    A good story here.

  6. WOW! I always wondered who the guy(s) were that did the texture work(feathers & fur in this case) to make the character animated films look so realistic. Congrats, I can't wait to see it.

  7. Way cool! I love the fact that the trailer is almost like a movie in itself and not just a bunch of 3 second clips.

    You have to be completely sick of both birds and the color blue by this point. haha

  8. Ok, I take back everything I said about your photoshop skills! I am humbled; great job! So my son will be 5 when this comes out, perfect.

    Who are the bird voices? I recognize George Lopez for the Tucan. Very cool.

  9. You have interesting work, and you seem to love it, and have a flair for it...thats awesome. The kids now officially LOVE the muppets (cant beleive I didnt think of pulling that for them before) your movie trailer clip is excellent!

  10. Saweet!!! I love animation films!! I'll be sure to see this one just 'cause you worked on it!

  11. That is so awesome and amazing that you did that!! It looks amazing! I can't wait to see it! :)


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